Hey kids,
My name is Stephanie and I'm the mother of SSS creator, @elsagracew .....I'm also the mother of others, and I'm mother to the people who work for me at my two ski shops at the base of Crested Butte.
In my wildest dreams, I never would have thought I'd be so crazy blessed to do what I do. I caught a ride, here, from NH in 1984. I had two trash bags of clothing and a pair of hand-me-down skis from my uncle (who was much taller than me). I worked every job I could find, in those early years, but long story short, here I am as the owner of the last locally owned ski shops in Crested Butte. Being a woman in the ski industry is no easy fete. I can't tell you how many people ask me for the owner when in my (If its a hard day, I just point to one of my male employees...) A few short years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer and one of my biggest fear was losing my hair. But, I kicked both radiation and cancers ass, kept my hair, and vowed to grow out my strands longer than Cher’s.
So this is why I Slut Strand.....Times are changing. More and more women are leading the way in this industry. Women like my daughters, women like all of you. I Slut Strand loud and proud because I'm still standing.....TALL!!